Community College Association of MESA Directors - CCAMD


To provide professional development and support to ensure and enhance educational and pre- professional opportunities that produce a diverse pool of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduates.


CCAMD serves as an innovative advocate for MESA Directors and other Community College professionals working with STEM students, educational institutions, industry and governmental agencies.  It provides professional development and support to these professionals in order to enhance educational opportunities for low income, first-generation students in STEM.


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Recent News

Spring Summit to Gather MESA Directors in Long Beach

The CCAMD Spring Summit is set to take place at The Westin Hotel in Long Beach from March 5-7, 2025. This important event will bring together MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science...

Student Leadership Retreat Scheduled at Happy Valley, Santa Cruz

Preparations are underway for the annual Student Leadership Retreat at Happy Valley in Santa Cruz, taking place on the first weekend of April. This popular event draws around 130 STEM...

California boosts spending to help students earn math and science degrees

A program for low-income, first-generation STEM students at community colleges is receiving millions of dollars to expand across the state.

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Upcoming Events

CCAMD Board Meeting

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

CCAMD Board Meeting

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

CCAMD Board Meeting

Board Meeting on Zoom every 1st and 3rd Wednesday

CCAMD Spring Summit

Event registration is now open

CCCCO Technical Office Hour

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Educational Services and Support (ESS) Division is excited to announce MESA Technical Assistance Office Hours. Please join...

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